Overall Resources
- R for Data Science
- Quick-R
- Field Guide to the R Ecosystem
- Advanced R
- ComputerWorld: Beginner’s guide to R
- R Bootcamp
- R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
- Efficient R Programming
- R Tutorial: An R Introduction to Statistics - Statistics eBook written with R in mind
- Learning R - Textbook
Topical Resources
- Data Import
- Data Visualization with R
- Workshop: Bubble plots, Hexbin plots, Visualizing contingency tables, Visual inference , and Presentation of statistical results
- Graphics for communication: Chapter 28 R for Data Science
- Beautiful plotting in R: A ggplot2 cheatsheet
- Creating publication-quality graphs with ggplot2
- Map Plots Created With R And Ggmap - A Tutorial
- Simple Graphs with R
- timevis: An R package for creating timeline visualizations
- Databases using R
- Dates - Format dates using strftime() crib sheet
- Descriptive Statistics
- EDA Packages
- GIS/Geocomputation
- Using R with Jupyter Notebooks
- Machine Learning
- Packages
- Writing Frictionless R Package Wrappers — Introduction
- pkgdown -
is designed to make it quick and easy to build a website for your package.
- Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference
you ready for python (gentle introduction to reticulate package)’ - Several links in this page for other uses of R and Python together, including:- The reticulate package solves the hardest problem in data science: people
- reticulate GitHub site - there are different ways to use R and Python interactivel. Check reticulate’s github site to see which one suits you best.
- RStudio - See below
- shiny
- Slides/Presentations
- Powerpoint
- Make PowerPoint Presentations with R Markdown - A good introductory video, but a bit long.
- Rendering PowerPoint Presentations with RStudio
- Render PowerPoint presentations from R Markdown documents: Examples on GitHub
- Powerpoint Section in
R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
- How to Make a PowerPoint Template
- Xaringan
- Powerpoint
- Websites/Blogs
- How I set up my first website (again)
- Specific to R Markdown
- GitHub and RStudio - This tutorial teaches you to create R Markdown documents with RStudio and publish them via GitHub, using GitHub Pages.
- “GitHub Pages” using
- Parts that deal directly with GitHub Pages - blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown - Entire blogdown overview.
- How I started a blog based on blogdown: A walkthrough
- share-blogdown - This is a demo course website made with the blogdown R package and a custom Academic theme for Hugo. This website was made as part of an RStudio Webinar.
- General Approaches
- HUGO - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- Academic - Source of themes for RMd, such as Maya Gans.
- Hugo Academic Theme repo - The website builder for Hugo. Build and deploy a beautiful website in minutes! https://sourcethemes.com/academic/
- Hugo vs. Jekyll: Comparing the leading static website generators
- Getting started with Jekyll, a free and open source static site generator
- GitHub Pages
- What is GitHub Pages? Websites for you and your projects.
- Getting Started with GitHub Pages
- Creating and Hosting a Personal Site on GitHub - A step-by-step beginner’s guide to creating a personal website and blog using Jekyll and hosting it for free using GitHub Pages.
- Easy Markdown to Github Pages - Convert Markdown files in Github to a full website using Github Pages.
Specific Commands
- Barplot - basic examples
- beeswarm graph command
- dput example
- Graphs
- ggplot2 graph colors
- Conditional colors: Setting colours in ggplot conditional on value
- How to add values on bar of grouped bar plot
- Basics of Histograms
- Plotting distributions (ggplot2)
- Plotting means and error bars (ggplot2)
- Viridis colour scales - provide colour maps that are perceptually uniform in both colour and black-and-white.
- Inputs
- pins: Pin, Discover and Share Resources
- Rows - preallocoation vs rbind
- Rows - insertRow
- Slidify Package - starting
- Slidify Package - title page color change in Stack Overflow
- Sorting - basics
- Introduction to stringr
- t-test general intro
- t-test on 2 data frames after finding matching columns
- Venn Diagrams
- slider - provides a family of general purpose “sliding window” functions. The goal of these functions is usually to compute rolling averages, cumulative sums, rolling regressions, or other “window” based computations.
Solving Specific Problems
- R - list to data frame
- R can API and So Can You! - Using plumbR to make API, and how to dockerize it
- RStudio 1.2 Preview: Plumber Integration
- Scraping web data about Australian politicians with RSelenium
- Adding themes and logo to ggplot graphs
- Color picker for data
- R Studio Blog: Archives
- Addins - Instructions
- Libraries Folder - Find using
- snippets
- Using the RStudio IDE
- Themes
- Version Control with RStudio